Duelling for Dollars


For a Few E-Bolts More

1.jpg (29164 bytes) Everyone showed up for the duel at the HaN tavern right on time, which was a TC vs. BH 3 on 3. Perlaze III, Darktower and Bernie represented TC and Onyx, Wappy and myself were the BH troops. Thanks go out to Elmo for his efforts in setting up the fight arena, as well as everyone else who showed up for guard duty to make sure no gimps interrupted the match. Here we see the opening volley.

2.jpg (41452 bytes) Unfortunately for Perlaze, he went down in approximately .002 seconds. He mentioned later that he didnt even see the "so and so is attacking you message" and that the screen just went black. Thank God for flamesrikes that dont fizzle is all I have to say.

3.jpg (15765 bytes) Here we see Onyx surveying the ground for a soft spot to land. He was our only casualty in the first matchup.

4.jpg (20408 bytes) Right after Onyx's death, Wappy and I dealt with Bernie and turned our attention to Darktower.

5.jpg (55171 bytes) Can you say "Holy single hitpoint Batman!" Darktower managed to stay alive for quite some time against the two of us, as you can see here luck was apparently on his side. He actually lived through that.

6.jpg (29077 bytes) Eventually his luck ran out, leaving BH victorious as well as 60k richer.

Round Two